All faculty undergo evaluations throughout their careers. Faculty are provided an annual assignment and are evaluated annually on the assignment. The annual evaluations are guided by Annual Evaluation Standards and Procedures (AESPs). Here is a list of approved AESPs. Tenure-earning faculty are assessed annually on their progress toward promotion and/or tenure through Cumulative Progress Evaluations (CPEs). CPEs are guided by promotion/tenure criteria. Here is a list of approved criteria. Please see the Promotion page to learn more about the promotion and tenure processes.
Beginning in spring 2024, faculty annual reports and evaluations are conducted through Interfolio. For more information, please contact your dean’s office.
In-Unit Forms
Non-Unit Forms
Chairs & Directors Appointment and Evaluation
Each college has established policies for the appointment, evaluation, and re-appointment for chairs and school directors.
College of Business Administration
College of Engineering and Computer Science
College of Health Professions and Sciences
College of Sciences
Deans Up for Review
Deans will undergo a review during the fifth year of appointment or re-appointment. The Provost will be responsible for initiating the review and for acting upon its recommendations and will designate Faculty Excellence to lead this process. This review will serve as both formative and summative assessment of the Dean’s performance and will be advisory in nature to the Provost.
Guidelines for Review of Academic Deans
The Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence notifies the dean under review that a five-year review will be conducted.
The Vice Provost meets with the dean under review. The dean will be provided a copy of the review guidelines and a copy of the questions included in the survey. The dean may add up to two additional questions approved by the provost to the survey instrument.
The Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence selects and contacts committee members. The committee will consist of the following:
- Dean from another college (Chair of the Committee)
College of the Dean Under Review
- One assistant or associate dean
- One to two chairs or faculty administrators (depending on size of college)
- One Faculty Senator from within the college of the Dean under review
- Up to four tenured and/or tenure-track faculty members within the college of the dean under review (depending on size of college)
- One non-tenure earning faculty member within the college of the dean under review
- One A&P staff member within the college of the dean under review
- One USPS staff member within the college of the dean under review
- One student representative within the college of the dean under review (e.g., SGA College Representative or President’s Leadership Council)
- College of Medicine Only
- One volunteer affiliate faculty member
- One clinical faculty member
- One medical student or resident
Outside the College
- Vice President for Access and Community Engagement
- Graduate College associate dean or Office of Research vice or associate vice president
- One representative from the Dean’s Advisory Board
The Vice Provost of Faculty Excellence meets with the dean selected to chair the review committee to explain the process.
The dean under review provides the following items that will be hosted and publicly accessible on the Faculty Excellence website. Please note that the dean under review does not provide a presentation or other public forum.
- Current CV
- College organizational chart
- College vision, mission, and goals, including alignment of the college goals with UCF’s strategic plan
- One page impact statement to include accomplishments of the dean and college as well as accomplishments towards metrics outlined in UCF’s strategic plan
- PowerPoint presentation highlighting accomplishments
The dean under review will also provide the following items (that will not be publicly available):
- Names and contact information for dean’s external advisory board
- Statement addressing what has been supportive in getting the job done and what has impeded their ability to do so
- Current top issues
- Future plans/goals that are not encompassed in the college goals with particular attention to UCF’s strategic plan and metrics
A formal announcement shall be made to faculty, staff and students within the college, as well as to university leadership and others who interact with the dean under review, regarding the dean’s review.
The review committee convenes and is charged by the provost or provost designee.
The committee chair (in conjunction with Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence) outlines the process of the review to the committee. The committee chair will have oversight responsibility for ensuring that the committee report accurately reflects the content of the deliberations and is supported by the feedback received on the dean under review. The committee chair is also responsible for ensuring that records are kept in accordance with state law.
The committee will use a survey, provided by Faculty Excellence, to widely solicit feedback on the dean under review. The survey will be administered to the following stakeholders:
- Faculty members in the college
- Students whose major is in the college
- A&P and USPS staff members in the college
- Assistant and associate deans in the college
- Chairs/directors and other administrators in the college
- Dean’s Advisory Board in the college
- UCF vice presidents
- UCF deans
- Vice provosts and associate provosts
Administration of the survey does not preempt the right of individuals to communicate directly with the provost or the right of the provost to consult with individuals outside the review committee.
Faculty Excellence will synthesize the survey results and share with the committee. The review committee will reconvene to discuss the results of the survey. From this discussion, a summary report of the committee will be prepared.
The summary report, prepared by the review committee, is delivered to the provost.

Deborah German
College of Medicine