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The Provost Faculty Fellows Program is designed to develop leadership skills at the university level for UCF’s most accomplished faculty.

The goal of the program is to build exceptional leadership by supporting individual faculty development, while simultaneously enhancing UCF culture and capacities. Fellows participate in a range of mentoring and learning opportunities, collaborate with colleagues in the Office of the Provost and in other academic and administrative offices across campus, and assume leadership roles on critical campus strategic initiatives and projects, designed in conjunction with fellows’ individual interests and longer-range career goals. Traditionally, the Office of the Provost invites nominations and applications for a single one-year position (academic year, with an optional summer assignment) as a Provost Faculty Fellow. The program is not currently accepting applications. Please check this page for future updates.

Professional Development

As part of the program, the Fellow will become familiar with and increase their understanding of university-wide academic initiatives, strategic planning, budget issues, and challenges in higher education.  In addition, the Fellow will make direct contributions to the Provost’s Office by taking on special projects and assisting in other operational activities. The Fellow will have the opportunity to:

  • develop leadership and administrative skills, including budgetary oversight, as a contributing team member in Academic Affairs
  • be coached/mentored by the Provost and another administrator
  • shadow the Provost and other administrators
  • attend selected meetings within the Office of Academic Affairs
  • undertake a jointly agreed upon project under the supervision of a senior administrator in Academic Affairs as well as special projects as appropriate
  • have space in Academic Affairs to experience the daily workings of this unit


All full-time tenured faculty, full-time faculty librarians, full-time clinical faculty, and full-time research faculty are eligible to apply. Tenured faculty members should have achieved the rank of associate professor or professor. Faculty librarians should have achieved the rank of associate or university librarian. Clinical and research faculty should have achieved the rank of associate professor or professor.

Faculty at the rank of associate must show evidence that they are making satisfactory progress toward promotion to professor (e.g., recent CPE, annual evaluations).

Preference will be given to faculty who have successfully completed the Academic Leadership Academy. Academic Affairs will provide to the college/department, per Fellow, up to $10,000 for the academic year and will provide up to $5,000 summer salary support, per Fellow. It is expected that Fellows with teaching assignments will be released in whole from their instructional duties.


Applicants will be evaluated based upon:

  • interest in university-wide affairs
  • overall record and potential for leadership
  • goals for the fellowship year, including areas of interest within Academic Affairs
  • excellent communication skills

The evaluation committee will consist of faculty who have served as Provost and Faculty Excellence Faculty Fellows during the previous two academic years, the Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence and the interim Assistant Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence. The evaluation committee serves in an advisory role to the Provost and Vice President, who will make the final decision.

Applications must include the following, as a single PDF document:

  • letter (no longer than two pages) describing the applicant’s interest in a Fellowship, how their background and experiences align and support the focus of the Fellowship, and their goals for the Fellowship period and beyond
  •  500-word statement of what the applicant would be interested in leading and initial thoughts/ideas for the effort(s). Innovative ideas for initiatives that will strengthen faculty are encouraged.
  • current vita
  • endorsement letter from their department chair/school director (note: this letter should also indicate assurance of 100% course reassignment during the period of the fellowship so that the Fellow can fully participate in meetings and events)

The application period is closed.