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Designed to engage participants in promotion preparation and larger career planning/advancement, the Associate Professor Mentoring Community (APMC) will consist of monthly whole-community, workshop-oriented meetings guided by specific topics and tasks. Small group and individual mentoring opportunities may also be developed as needed. No sessions are currently scheduled with future dates to be determined.

These communities are open to new and experienced tenured associate professors and will bring together faculty from across UCF to build diverse mentoring and support networks.

Participants will:

  • Form peer mentoring relationships and networks with a diverse group of faculty leaders from across the university, including other associate professors and professors
  • Develop a concrete promotion plan and larger career advancement plan, both focused on research and leadership goals
  • Create strategies to gain the time and resources needed for promotion preparation and career advancement
  • Learn to measure and enhance the impact of one’s research, including ways to connect it to the values articulated in the university’s Collective Impact Strategic Plan
  • Receive encouragement and support from a community mentoring experience

Program evaluation is an integral part of the Associate Professor Mentoring Community. Participants will be asked to provide information about the program. For formative purposes, results will be helpful in making changes over the course of the program; for summative purposes, the data will help to make program revisions for future years. Results obtained will not be used to evaluate any faculty member.


Monthly all-community, workshop-style meetings. Faculty members who participate in the community are expected to participate in monthly meetings.


Applications are not currently being accepted. If you are interested in future sessions, please reach out to Faculty Excellence at