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Professional development leave is intended to increase an employee’s value to the University through opportunities for research, writing, professional and intellectual renewal, further education, or other experiences of professional value. The PDL program is intended to mirror the sabbatical leaves that are available to tenured faculty.

Professional development leave is taken at either full pay for one (1) semester or term or at three-fourths pay for one (1) academic year, and are subject to the terms outlined in UCF Regulation 3.014.


  • Non-unit faculty and non-unit A&P employees, except those serving in tenure-earning or tenured positions.
  • Six or more years of continuous, full-time employment at UCF.
  • Employees who are compensated through a contract or grant may receive a PDL only if the contact or grant allows a PDL and the employee meets all other eligibility requirements.
  • Six years of continuous service at UCF must be completed following the end date of any previous PDL.

The employee must return to UCF employment for at least one academic year following the conclusion of a PDL. Failure to return to the university for the required one academic year or failure to spend the time as stated in the application shall result in the need for the employee to reimburse the university for salary received during the leave.

Application and Procedures

The application period occurs during the fall semester. Please see application and procedures below.


Non-Unit PDL Application

Completed applications must be submitted to Faculty Excellence by deadline.