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Professional development program is intended to increase an employee’s value to the University through opportunities for research, writing, professional renewal, further education, or other experiences of professional value. The PDP program is intended to mirror sabbaticals that are available to tenured in-unit faculty.

Professional development program is taken at either full pay for one (1) semester or term or at three-fourths pay for one (1) academic year and are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in Article 22 of the most current UCF BOT-UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement.


  • Non-tenured, non-tenure-earning employees who have completed five or more academic years of full-time, continuous non-OPS service with UCF shall be eligible to apply for the professional development program.
  • First-time applicants. Employees must work at least five full academic years (i.e., a fall semester followed by a spring semester).
  • Employees who are compensated through a contract or grant may receive a PDP appointment only if the contact or grant allows participation in such programs and the employee meets all other eligibility requirements.
  • Full-time non-tenured, non-tenure earning employees shall be eligible to apply for their next PDP during the sixth year of continuous service at UCF after the end of the academic year during which the previous PDP was taken.

The employee must return to University employment for at least one academic year following participation in that program. If the employee fails to return to the University for at least two consecutive semesters, fall and spring, in the year following participation in the program, all salary and fringe benefits received during their participation in the program must be repaid to the University within 30 days of resignation or job abandonment. If the employee makes little to no effort to complete the project described in the application, the employee shall receive an “Unsatisfactory” overall annual evaluation and will be ineligible to apply for a PDP appointment for ten years.

Application and Procedures

The application period occurs during the fall semester. Please see the application and procedures below.


Applicants should contact if they intend to apply. Completed applications will be entered into Interfolio by applicants by deadline.