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The goal of Faculty Excellence is to help strengthen UCF’s faculty. Strategies to meet this goal include, among others, faculty development, recognition and awards, speaker series, strategies for tenure and/or promotion preparation, recruitment and retention initiatives and communication efforts.

Professional Development

In their role, the Fellow will collaborate with colleagues in Faculty Excellence and in other academic and administrative offices across campus. The Fellow will be expected to participate as an active member of the Faculty Excellence team (e.g., contributing to team meetings, providing ideas/suggestions on related projects, leading mentoring communities and other faculty development activities, maintaining presence in the office). The Fellow will report to the Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence.

Faculty Excellence will provide to the college/department up to $10,000 for the academic year for course releases. It is expected that a Fellow with teaching assignments will be released in whole or part from their instructional duties. There is also a possibility for a summer appointment.


All full-time faculty who have achieved the rank of associate or higher (including instructors, lecturers, instructional designers, librarians, clinical, research) are eligible to apply.

Faculty at the rank of associate (or equivalent to associate) must show evidence that they are making satisfactory progress toward their next promotion level. (e.g., timeline).


Applicants will be evaluated based upon:

  • Overall record and potential for leadership in faculty initiatives
  • Goals for the fellowship year and beyond
  • Excellent communication skills

The evaluation committee will consist of the Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence, the current Faculty Fellow and other faculty development staff.

Applications must include the following, as a single pdf document:

  • Letter (no longer than two pages) describing the applicant’s interest in a Fellowship, how their background and experiences align and support the focus of the Fellowship, and their goals for the Fellowship period and beyond (uploaded to Qualtrics application via link provided below).
  • 500-word statement of what the applicant would be interested in leading and initial thoughts/ideas for the effort(s). Innovative ideas for initiatives that will strengthen faculty are encouraged (uploaded to Qualtrics application via link provided below).
  • Current vita (uploaded to Qualtrics application via link provided below).
  • Endorsement letter from their department chair/school director/unit head (uploaded to Qualtrics application via link provided below).