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A Note from the Vice Provost

Identifying ways to support faculty is a key part of the Faculty Excellence mission and hearing from you is vital to the success of that mission. For the past five years we have used results from the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) survey,  a tool used by institutions to gather faculty perceptions on workplace experience, to help inform the programs and practices we develop to support you.

The survey was administered in Spring 2021 and we have the initial report posted here and the full results here.

Now that the survey has been completed, Faculty Excellence launched a priority-setting committee to identify areas where we need to focus, and a strategy committee to determine how we can take steps to address these areas. Dr. Lindsay Neuberger is leading these efforts, and we will keep you informed as our action plan progresses.

Look for more communication to come directly to your inbox and check this page for updates.

Charge On!

Jana Sig Block Vice Provost

Our Progress

Since the initial survey was administered in 2015, the university has taken steps to address areas of concern to enhance faculty life at UCF. This comprehensive report outlines what has been done as of Spring 2021.

COACHE Process Timeline

COACHE Data, Committees and Documents

2021 Communications