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Award Info

Applications Open
January 29, 2024
Applications Close
February 12, 2024
Notification Date
April 17, 2024
Award Contact
  1. Program Overview

    SoTLs recognize discovery, reflection, and using evidence-based methods to research effective teaching and student learning. While the implementation of SoTL outcomes may result in teaching excellence and increased teaching effectiveness, this award recognizes scholarly efforts beyond teaching excellence.

    Please contact your college for earlier deadlines.

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  2. Funding

    Regardless of the contract length (9 or 12 months), award recipients shall receive a one-time award of $5,000 as soon as practicable and a $5,000 increase to their salary effective at the beginning of the succeeding academic year.

    There is one award available for the College of Medicine.  Academic Affairs provides the funding for the award.

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  3. Eligibility Criteria

    A non-unit faculty member on a full-time (1.0 FTE), 9 or 12 month appointment is considered “eligible” for the SoTL — COM award if all the following criteria are met:

    1. Faculty member must have an appointment as an instructor, associate instructor, senior instructor, lecturer, associate lecturer, senior lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor.
    2. Faculty member must have at least four years of continuous service. Authorized leaves are not considered a break in service (e.g., sabbaticals, professional development leave, parental leave). Visiting and other temporary appointments are not eligible for incentive awards.
    3. No faculty member may receive the award more than once every five years.
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  4. Award Criteria

    The criteria for evaluating applicants’ portfolios include the following four major categories (to be applied as is appropriate for a specific discipline):

    1. Value or impact of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning efforts both within the discipline and to the teaching and learning community (e.g., serving as an editor or a peer reviewer for a SoTL journal, presenting SoTL research results at professional conferences and other forums within and outside UCF).
    2. Peer recognition of research and creative efforts in the same or related disciplines.
    3. Publication of research and creative efforts in the same or related disciplines.
    4. External grant and contract support for SoTL activities appropriate to the applicant’s discipline.
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  5. Application Materials

    Applications are submitted through Interfolio. Visit this link for a video tutorial on filing for awards or explore this guide. Gathering the following materials prior to the submission date will ease the application process:
    • Statement of SoTL (text box 3000 characters – approximately 428-750 words or fewer)
      • Please describe your primary area of SOTL research and its importance to the Community.
    • Summary of SoTL Accomplishments (text box 3000 characters – approximately 428-750 words or fewer)
    • Impact of SoTL Research (text box 3000 characters – approximately 428-750 words or fewer)
      • Describe research methodologies, teaching and assessment innovations, impact(s) on student learning, dissemination of results, and plans for further action.
    Supporting Materials: Items 1 and 2 must be uploaded as PDF files:
    1. Current Curriculum Vitae (Required)
      • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning grants and research highlighted, briefly annotated in the CV (may be included). Applicants who have won the SoTL award in previous years should not highlight entries from the previous award period(s).
    2. Appendices (Required)
      • Evidence of SoTL accomplishments, include book covers and tables of contents, first two pages of articles or other publications, executive summaries of grants, or other appropriate materials.  Applicants may upload multiple pdf documents.
      • Please do not use Adobe Portfolio. 
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  6. Evaluation and Award Process

    The award winner shall be determined by a college-level committee consisting of at least three and no more than five tenured, tenure-earning, or multiyear elected faculty members.  The elected faculty members, preferably and to the extent possible, should have demonstrated accomplishments in the area of scholarship of teaching and learning. All committee members shall be voting members for the purposes of these awards. Candidates for the award are not eligible to serve on this committee. The committee chair shall be elected at the first scheduled meeting.

    The committee chair shall electronically transmit recommendations along with the ranked list to the College of Medicine Dean to review the recommendations of the committee. The dean will review and decide to support or deny the recommendations. The vice provost for Faculty Excellence shall review the recommendations of the dean of the College of Medicine and present recommendations to the provost for review and final approval.

    Notification of Award Winners

    The Provost shall give the final approval for award recipients. Faculty Excellence shall notify all nominees of the results.

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  7. Manuals

    How to Clear Cache and Cookies Manual

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