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Award Info

Applications Open
October 2, 2023
Applications Close
November 13, 2023
Notification Date
Award Contact
  1. Program Overview

    UCF sponsors the In-Unit Excellence in Professional Service award to honor faculty members who demonstrate a record of excellence in service to the University of Central Florida and professional service. One award for Excellence in Professional Service is available.

    Please contact your college/unit for earlier deadlines.

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  2. Funding

    The recipient of the Excellence in Professional Service award shall receive a one-time payment of $2,000. Award amounts are treated as income and are subject to normal withholding tax.

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  3. Eligibility

    Each candidate:

    • Must be a full-time employee in the appropriate discipline with at least three years of continuous non-visiting, non-OPS service at UCF immediately prior to the current year.
    • Employees who are assigned an FTE of at least 0.05 for professional service duties over the current academic year and for each of the three preceding academic years are eligible.
    • Must not have received an Excellence in Professional Service award in the past three academic years.
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  4. Criteria

    1. Evidence of effectiveness in service to the university by highlighting leadership contributions;
    2. Evidence of significant accomplishment in professional organizations in the nominee’s discipline;
    3. Evidence of recognition for outreach activities, service, and leadership contributions to community organizations.

    The awards committees will take the following criteria and supporting data into account when making their determinations. The criteria and supporting materials that should be provided to form a basis for evaluation are listed in priority order:

    • Primary Criteria (50 percent weight): Evidence of effectiveness in service to the university, highlighting leadership contributions (For example, evidence showing that the nominee worked diligently and effectively on university, Faculty Senate, college, or department committees).
    • Secondary Criteria (30 percent weight): Evidence of significant accomplishment in professional organizations (regional, national, or international) in the nominee’s discipline.
    • Tertiary Criteria (20 percent weight): Evidence of recognition for outreach activity, outstanding service and leadership contributions to community organizations (for example, Pre-K – 12 schools and civic and non-profit organizations).
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  5. Application Materials

    Applications are submitted in Interfolio. Please contact your dean’s office for more information.

    Application Materials

    1. University Service (optional – one page max., 12-pt. standard margins – previous three years)

    2. Professional Service (optional – one page max., 12-pt. standard margins – previous three years)

    3. Service to Civic Organizations (optional – one page max., 12-pt. standard margins – previous three years)

    4. Public Service (optional – one page max., 12-pt. standard margins – previous three years)

    5. Curriculum Vitae

    6. Other (optional)


    Note: Work defined service expected of a nominee’s position should be clearly separated.


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  6. Evaluation and Award Process

    Award applications are summited through Interfolio. For more information, please contact your dean’s office.

    All applicants will be notified of their selection status and a list of the candidates and their files will immediately be forwarded to the Chair of the Faculty Senate. A committee designated by the Faculty Senate will select one individual from among these college candidates to receive the Excellence in Professional Service Award.

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