Faculty Excellence is committed to supporting and strengthening faculty through recruitment, development and retention of outstanding scholars and educators.
We promote the growth of academic leaders through professional development opportunities and institutional policies designed to strengthen our collective faculty who advance UCF’s mission of discovery, learning and engagement. Our effort to support faculty also includes the Karen L. Smith Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, whose mission is to support excellence in teaching and learning at UCF.
Our initiatives are designed to grow our faculty, diversify our faculty and gain national and international recognition.
We believe a great university is built by great faculty and we’re here to help you at every step.
Meet the Interim Vice Provost
Joel T. Cramer is the interim vice provost for Faculty Excellence, where he leads in supporting the recruitment, retention, growth, development and success of UCF faculty at all levels.
He joined UCF in 2022 as the senior associate dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs in the College of Health Professions and Sciences. In that role, Joel served in overseeing the day-to-day administration of the college, including academic program quality; analytics and integrated planning; compliance, ethics, and risk; facilities and space; faculty excellence; graduate affairs; operational excellence and assessment support; and technology.
Joel’s academic career started in 2003 and has spanned appointments at six R1 institutions: The University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, The University of Texas at El Paso, and UCF. Administratively, his strengths include mentorship; faculty development and evaluation; shared governance; recruitment, hiring, and retention; policies, procedures, and guidelines; academic program development; and strategic planning.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from Creighton University, a master’s degree in physical education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a doctoral degree in exercise physiology and nutrition from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Meet The Team
Academic Support Coordinator I407-823-1269
Personnel Administration407-823-1989
Faculty Fellow
Assistant Director407-823-0612
Personnel Administration407-823-1113
Academic Support Coordinator II407-823-1930
Executive Assistant to the Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence, Chief Analytics Officer407-823-0016
Personnel Administration407-823-0080
Faculty Fellow