Your Cohort and Peers
Based on the number of UCF faculty and other organizational characteristics, your comparison "cohort" includes 80 COACHE partners who identify as generally similar. The complete list is available in the CAO Report's appendices. You selected five comparison institutions – "peers" in the report – to represent those most similar to you in the faculty labor market. They are listed at the right.
- Florida International University (2020)
- Florida State University (2021)
- Georgia State University (2020)
- Louisiana State University (2021)
- North Carolina State University (2021)
Response Rates
Your report summarizes the findings from 44% of your eligible faculty. Given an average survey completion time of 22 minutes, this report constitutes approximately 246 hours of your faculty’s time and, more importantly, their candor. Your response rate is nearly identical to the average of your five selected comparison institutions.
Differences in rates of response between demographic groups matter, as well. The table below summarizes response rates by tenure status, rank, gender, and race. As you read this preview and the complete CAO Report, keep in mind how large or small these subgroups’ representation is among your survey responses.
Response Rates |
You |
Peers |
Cohort |
All Faculty |
44% |
44% |
43% |
Tenured |
44% |
46% |
45% |
Pre-tenure |
45% |
43% |
46% |
Non-tenure Track |
43% |
40% |
38% |
Full Professor |
42% |
44% |
46% |
Associate Professor |
45% |
46% |
43% |
Men |
37% |
39% |
40% |
Women |
52% |
49% |
50% |
White |
45% |
45% |
46% |
Faculty of Color |
41% |
40% |
40% |
Asian/Asian-American |
28% |
37% |
36% |
Underrepresented Minorities |
55% |
42% |
44% |