Custom Questions

The following items were developed by your institution to address specific local needs not covered in the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey. For quantitative items, raw frequency data is provided and disaggregated by tenure status, rank, gender and race. The qualitative (open-text) responses are not redacted. Respondents were informed of this at the time of survey administration but COACHE encourages you to use caution when sharing open text responses broadly.

You have 5 custom question(s):

  • [COVID1]
    Rate your satisfaction with your opportunities for engagement in decision making regarding your institution’s response to COVID-19.

    [Single Response]
    Item(s): The question is the lone item.
    Response Options
    • 5 - Very satisfied
    • 4 - Satisfied
    • 3 - Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
    • 2 - Dissatisfied
    • 1 - Very dissatisfied
    • 97 - I don't know
    • 98 - Decline to answer
  • [COVID2]
    Earlier in this survey, you replied that you "[Q188_D Response]" that shared governance holds up under unusual situations. We invite you to use the space below to explain your perspective in light of your institution’s response to COVID-19.

    [Open-ended Response]
    Item(s): The question is the lone item.
    Response Options: Not applicable to open-ended response.
  • [COVID3]
    Rate the effectiveness of the support you are receiving from the following to manage during the pandemic:

    [Single Response]
    • Your department head or chair
    • Your department colleagues
    • Your dean's or division head's office
    • Your faculty governing body (e.g., senate)
    • The Office of the Chief Academic Officer
    • The Office of the President / Chancellor (i.e., campus CEO)
    Response Options
    • 5 - Very effective
    • 4 - Somewhat effective
    • 3 - Neither effective nor ineffective
    • 2 - Somewhat ineffective
    • 1 - Very ineffective
    • 97 - I don't know
    • 98 - Decline to answer
    • 99 - Not applicable
  • [COVID4]
    Please share the names of other offices or departments that you found to be particularly effective in supporting you during the pandemic.

    [Open-ended Response]
    Item(s): The question is the lone item.
    Response Options: Not applicable to open-ended response.
  • [COVID6]
    We invite you to share one example of particularly helpful support you have received from another person, program, or office at your institution during the pandemic.

    [Open-ended Response]
    Item(s): The question is the lone item.
    Response Options: Not applicable to open-ended response.