The UCF Medal of Societal Impact recognizes faculty whose research has contributed significantly to benefit humankind in science, engineering or medicine. The award spotlights a core aspect of UCF’s mission: conducting research, scholarship and creative activities for the betterment of society.
An external committee with members from the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Medicine will select the winner. The honoree will receive a $50,000 grant and a medal to be presented by the president on Founders’ Day.

Eligibility and Nominations
All UCF faculty in any rank or position are eligible for nomination, which can be by self-nomination or by others from UCF. The deadline for nomination submission is Oct. 9, 2024, at 11:59 PM.
Two references external to UCF are required and should speak to the value of the nominee’s societal impact. References will receive an email from UCF with instructions for sending their reference letter. The deadline for reference letters is Oct. 30, 2024.